This summer 5 undergraduate students from School of Pharamaceutical Sciences,Shandong University went to the Department of Pharmacy & Pharmacology of University of Bath, to carry out 8 week research placements.

The 5 students (left to right) Ziyu Zeng, Liguo Wang, Shiyi Zhou, Yafei Yu, and Xiaowen Ma, were selected on the basis of their academic record and an interview to participate in the Vacation Studentship Scheme. They are carrying out projects in the research groups of Drs Ian Eggleston, Matthew Lloyd, Ian Blagbrough and Amanda Mackenzie, and Prof Randy Mrsny in Pharmacy & Pharmacology , and in collaboration with other laboratories in the Faculty of Science, University of Bath. This is the fifth year that the Department has hosted a group of students from Shandong University.