On the afternoon of Dec.5
th, a selection panel of China–Australia Centre for Health Sciences Research (CACHSR) assessed the 16 research proposals submitted by the co-researchers from the two universities, University of South Australia and Shandong University. The selection panel consisted of the Centre’s Co-Directors Sanjay Garg (UniSA) and Fengshan Wang (SDU) and two additional members from each country, Nigel Relph and Hongxiang Lou,Vice President of UniSA and SDU.
Among the 16 proposals, 10 of them got the grants.The next steps of the research center were discussed, including the middle assessment of the 10 proposals, the construction of the website and the next seminar of 2014.
The CACHSR (China–Australia Centre for Health Sciences Research) is a new initiative between the University of South Australia and Shandong University. It aims to promote significant collaboration which will allow the complementary research resources of both universities (UniSA and SDU), and other research bodies, government bodies and business partners to collectively support research in the field of Health Sciences.