Associate Professor, supervisor of master

Present address:
Institute of Pharmaceutical analysis
School of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Shandong University
Wenhua Xi Road No.44, Jinan City, P.R. China
Zip code: 250012
+86-0531-8838-2330 (Office)
Email Address: |
2004,8 to Present, Institute of Pharmaceutical analysis, School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Shandong University
2002,9 to 2004,8, Post-doc, Department of Chemistry, Tsinghua University
PH.D., Analytical Chemistry, University of Science and Technology of China, 1999 ~ 2002
Post-Doc, Analytical Chemistry, Tsinghua University, 2002 ~ 2004
Visiting Scientist, Food Science and Technology, Cornell University, 2007 ~ 2008
Visiting Scholar, Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University at Buffalo (The state of New York at Buffalo), 2015.02~ 2015.11
Honors and Awards
Certificate of accomplishment
Project name“A study on effect mechanism and efficacious components of multi-link cascade connection reaction in the process of inhabiting lack of blood in brain by using the injection of Qing Kai-ling”,2004
Certificate of advancement in Science and Technology
(1) Project name:“A study on effect mechanism and efficacious components of multi-link cascade connection reaction in the process of inhabiting lack of blood in brain by using the injection of Qing Kai-ling”, 2005, (Grade:I)
(2) “A study on fingerprint based on headspace-gas chromatography-mass spectrometry for identification of counterfeit cigarette and development of cigarette database”, Chinese tobacco company in Shandong Province, 2013, (Grade II).
Educational experience:
Undergraduate student course:
“Analytical Chemistry”
“Experiment of Analytical Chemistry”
“Principles of Spectroscopy and Chromatography and their applications in Pharmaceutical Sciences”
Graduate course:
“Introduction to Modern Pharmaceutical Analysis”
“Application of modern Near Infrared Spectroscopy”
“International Pharmacy Administration and Quality Control” (English course)
Research area:
Pharmaceutical Analysis, Chromatographic Science and Chemometrics, Metabonomics, Near Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRs), Proteomics
Principal research interests:
Chromatographic analysis for quality control of Traditional Chinese Medicines (TCMs)
NIRs for quality control or quality evaluation of TCMs
Metabonomics and Proteomics by bioinformatics
Foundations and Projects:
(1) “Establishment of Correlative Characteristic Fingerprints with Aids of Computer for Identification of Radix Astragali”, financed by Natural Science foundation of Shandong Province (No: Q2006C05), presider, 2007~2009
(2) “Fundamental Study of Oridonin Nanocrystalline Drug Delivery Systems”, financed by National Natural Science foundation of China (No: 30672674/C1909), major participant, 2007~2009
(3) “Wohua Xin-ke-shu tablet” Technological Innovation, Major projects of independent innovation achievements of Shandong province, (No. 2010ZHZX1A0406), major participant, 2010~2012
(4) “Development and Application of Efficacy Fingerprintings of Radix Astragali and Salvia miltiorrhiza Bunge.f.albai”, financed by Natural Science foundation of Shandong Province (No: ZR2011HM080), presider, 2011~2014
(5) “Effect of processing on the chemical constituents and oral substances of Dipsacus”, financed by Natural Science Foundation of Shandong Province (No: ZR2010HM107), major participant, 2011~2014
(6) Graduate Innovation Program of Shandong Province (SDYY12074), financed by Education Department of Shandong province, presider, 2013~2014.
(7) Scientific Research Foundation for Returned Scholar (20121707), financed by Ministry of Education of P.R. China, presider, 2012~2015.
(8) Rapid and non-destructive identification of authenticated and bogus cigarette by infrared reflectance spectroscopy (11611417), co-presider, 2014.07-2016.12
Authorized Patent
(1)“A method for identification of Traditional Chinese medicine materials using feature fingerprint” (ZL200410068847.X), 2006
(2)“A method of screening the TCM’s components correlated to efficacy and establishment of the corresponding model” (ZL201210324140.5), 2014
(3)“A method for evaluation of consistency of TCM’s batches ” (ZL201310028607.6), 2014
(4)“A method for identification of counterfeit cigarette with headspace-gas chromatography-mass spectrometry” (ZL201110125012.3), 2014
Hong-Ming Liu, Lei Nie*, Quantitative analysis combined with chromatographic fingerprint for comprehensive evaluation of Xiaoer Chaigui Tuire granules by HPLC-DAD, Journal of Chromatographic Science, 2014, in press (doi:10.1093/chromsci/bmu119).
Li Song, Shaoyun Wang*, Xiaoju Duan, Xinhua Liu, Zhaofang Li, Lei Nie* and Guangyi Chu, Chromatographic Fingerprint Combined with Content of Asperosaponin VI and Antioxidant Activity for Quality Evaluation of Wine-fried Dipsaci Radix, Natural Product Communications, 2014, 9(6): 773-778.
Xiaoju Duan, Danlu Zhang, Lei Nie*, Hengchang Zang*, Rapid discrimination of geographical origin and evaluation of antioxidant activity of Salvia miltiorrhiza var. alba by Fourier transform near infrared spectroscopy, Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 2014,122: 751-757.
Yunlun Li, Lei Nie (cofirst authors), Haiqiang Jiang, Jiamao Lin, Honglei Zhou, Jun Xie, Zhengjun Qu, Dongmei Qi, and Yunhui Zhang, Metabonomics Study of Essential Hypertension and Its Chinese Medicine Subtypes by Using Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy, Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, Article ID 625906, http: //, 2013
Pei Wang, Lian Li, HailongYang, Shijuan Cheng, Yingzi Zeng, Lei Nie*, Hengchang Zang*, Chromatographic fingerprinting and quantitative analysis for the quality evaluation of Xinkeshu tablet, Journal of Pharmaceutical Analysis,2012,2(6): 422-430.
Haiqiang Jiang, Lei Nie, Yulun Li, Jun Xie, Application of ultra-performance liquid chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry to metabonomic study on spontaneously hypertensive rats and intervention effects of Ping Gan prescription, Journal of Separation Science, 2012, 35(4): 483-489.
Lei Zhang, Lei Nie*,Discrimination of geographical origin and adulteration of radix astragali using fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and chemometric methods, Phytochemical Analysis, 2010,21: 609-615.
Lei Nie, Karl J Siebert, Modeling Physicochemical Properties and Activity of Aspartyl Proteinases Based on Amino Acid Composition, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2009,57(6): 2536-2543
(1)“Analytical chemistry experiment instruction”, Third Edition, co-editor, People's medical publishing house, Beijing, 2011
(2)“A guide for analytical chemistry study and problem solving”, Third Edition, co-editor, People's medical publishing house, Beijing, 2011